Café Europa

In its activities, the EMiB tries to engage as many citizens as possible from outside the “Brussels bubble”. By entering into partnerships with local organizations or individuals, we ensure our local roots and our presence elsewhere in the country. The “Café Europa” events are low-key evenings of debate and discussion on European issues with an invited speaker — a politician, an expert, a journalist — but around an informal drink. The aim of these evenings is to stimulate European exchange in an accessible way and in cooperation with local partners and speakers.

So, curious to know if the next Café Europa will take place in your region or city? Be sure to check out our latest events, join our movement and follow us on social media!

"EU and Me" Online Series


Because the COVID-pandemic made it difficult to continue our physical meet-ups in local venues, the EMiB switched online to continue having experts talk about what the EU is and what it does in an accesible way. We created the EU and Me online video series, which is put online on a monthly basis. Below you can view the first episode, but be sure to check them all out on our social media and share them in your network!